UCSB College of Engineering Presents

The Glen Culler
Honorary Lecture:

"Boosting Our Collective IQ"

by Dr. Douglas Engelbart

Friday, September 8, 1995 --- 4:00 pm
University Center Corwin Pavilion

Background photo: Prof. Culler teaching in the first computer lab, 1965
(Click for 87K JPG)

About the UCSB (Culler-Fried) On-Line System
(Brief description dated October 1, 1969)

The "Family Tree" of UCSB Computer Research Lab Spin-off Companies in Santa Barbara
(Click for 81K GIF)

Tributes to Glen Culler
Memoirs and Photos of Glen Culler and the UCSB Computer Research Lab
contributed by Students, Colleagues and Friends of Glen Culler

Tim Schwartz,
Director of Development
Yukina Warner,
Assistant Director of Development
Kathy Kramer,
WWW Administrator

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kk --- Last update: June 28, 1996